About the artist

Born in 1957 and is of Austrian nationality, He graduated as an

Electronic Technician. He and his partner established their own

small company. From 1980 - 1982, he worked as an electronic

technician at the company Philips.

He developed his enormous interest in computers and photography

through his own initiative, and attended 3D graphic Institutes in

Vienna. His special touch and techniques for creating great 3D

figures and photography are apparent in his artwork. He fulfilled

his dream by doing what he always wanted to do - creating interesting

visuals using his knowledge of computers.

Aside creating 3 dimensional characters he also do macro photography

As well as Portraits, Wedding, Kids, Events, Landscape and Product photography.

Photo gear he uses: Nikon D3 and D800

Lenses: 60mm macro 2.8/50mm 1.4/24-70mm 2.8/16-35mm 4.0 all Nikon lenses.

These are the artist’s words “ No one should ever think that he is the best, we

all are only guests on this planet, life is too short, make the best out of it”

If you have any question please send me an email.